17 - 19 March 2025
Excel London

Exhibitors Videos

Who We Are

Hashtag Hosts Stand: P4070

Welcome to Hashtag Quiz. The Home of HQ.FM. HQ Trivia Software is an interactive website and engaging question and answer system. With a fun and easy to use interface, the software is used by hosts, in a live or live streamed environment. This platform allows you to host an interactive game with players able to join your game using just their phone. Here on our YouTube Channel, you will find everything you need to get started, and run your first quiz! Our tutorials are a beginner’s guide to quiz nights, showing you everything you need to get started with our platform, but also serve as a great reference for experienced quiz hosts or venues looking to host your own trivia night.

Create your FREE base account now: http://www.hq.fm Hashtag Quiz for more information: http://www.hashtagquiz.co.uk


Official Show Partner

Official Snack Sponsor

Beer Garden Partners

Official Beer Garden Structure Partner

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FREE Registration Closes This Sunday 16th March!

Please note that FREE registration for The Pub Show closes on Sunday 16th March at midnight, after this time an onsite fee of £40 will apply. For full payment terms and conditions please see here.