No large bags, shopping bags or suitcases are permitted inside the event unless carrying medical equipment. Visitors will not be allowed into the event with bags of this kind. Please expect to check any suitcases into the Excel cloakroom located downstairs in the central boulevard. Visitors seen to be loitering in the boulevard with large bags and suitcases will be subject to bag searches and may be asked to leave the Excel.
Random bag checks will be carried out around the show and on exit. Stolen products will be reclaimed, and visitors may be refused re-entry. Additional security will be positioned on the entrances and patrolling the show floor.
Visitors are only permitted to exit the event with one bag of samples. If a visitor is seen exiting with multiple bags, they may be subject to bag checks and refused readmittance. Stolen products will be reclaimed.
Additional security will be positioned on the entrances and patrolling the show floor.